Jesus and LGBT – What Did He Say?
To follow Jesus means accepting His judgment on sin, not redefining it. Jesus’ teachings on sex and marriage reflect a continuation of conservative Jewish theology rooted in the Torah, emphasising the sanctity of the male-female union as a Divine institution.
Abolishing Childhood: A Child’s Right to an Age of Innocence – Radical LGBTQ+ Education or Indoctrination
After the release of Dr Hilary Cass’ bombshell report demolishing the NHS’s entire gender treatment model, questions are being asked about how radical LGBTQ+ pressure groups have influenced medical care, education and the culture. Long-held standards that once defined truth for all and societal norms have faced increasing challenges over the past century, with a significant shift in recent years.
Can Boys Become Girls? Gender Dysphoria: Is it Rooted in Childhood Abuse, Social Contagion or Confusion?
A shocking report from the Biden administration reveals that underlying trauma, including childhood abuse, occupies a significant role in the mental health crisis that is disproportionately affecting LGBT+ people.
Homosexuality, Promiscuity and the Collapse of Society: Follow the Science
What historical evidence is there to support the claim that societies which embrace promiscuity, homosexuality and variations of LGBT+ expression will decline?