Reparations Have Been Paid For Slavery
Western taxpayers have already paid huge reparations for the historical crime of slavery. However, this fact is often overlooked by the media, academia, activists and the elite.
Israel, Gaza and Hamas. What You Need to Know by Gordon Pettie, Book Review
Israel, Gaza and Hamas, What you Need to Know by Gordon Pettie of Revelation TV, is a provocative exploration of a long-standing struggle for Israel’s survival, shattering the media’s narrative and urging readers to see beyond the surface. He exposes Hamas and its desire to destroy Israel, and proves that the UN and UNRWA are no neutral parties. This is a spiritual struggle.
The Forgotten White Slaves and the Ignored History of Slavery Worldwide
The story of slavery is more complicated than you’ve been told because he who controls the flow of information controls people. Did you know that over 7,000,000 white slaves were shipped to the Middle East and North Africa between 1500 and 1900? Why has their story been culturally erased?