Reparations Have Been Paid For Slavery
Western taxpayers have already paid huge reparations for the historical crime of slavery. However, this fact is often overlooked by the media, academia, activists and the elite.
The English Language and the Bible, Common English sayings from Scripture
Most English-speaking people unknowingly pepper their speech with Scriptural citations which shape the English Language.
Rees Howells’ God Challenges the Dictators Book Review by Gordon Pettie
Not only did Rees Howells pray through to victory in World War II, but his book on dictators was even sent to Hitler. Wrote Gordon Pettie in his latest book review for HEART.
The Forgotten White Slaves and the Ignored History of Slavery Worldwide
The story of slavery is more complicated than you’ve been told because he who controls the flow of information controls people. Did you know that over 7,000,000 white slaves were shipped to the Middle East and North Africa between 1500 and 1900? Why has their story been culturally erased?