It’s Time for Revival
Christian history is exploding with accounts of outpourings of God’s Spirit, yet for some, they doubt revival is possible. One British author is challenging this doubt and trying to inspire faith for the next Christian revival.
TV viewers may have seen Mathew Backholer on Christian TV around the world, but for the last few years, he’s been engrossed in accounts of revival and has visited many sites of Christian revival to deepen his knowledge and understanding of these moves of God.
“It’s a tragedy that some Christians feel God cannot impact the West in the 21st century,” said Mathew Backholer. “People feel this because they are unaware of our history of Christian revivals and outpourings. God has transformed our nations before and if believers know about these moves of God, and understand the biblical promises, a fresh wave of faith can envelop the Church.”
Revival historian and author Mathew Backholer has assembled many accounts of revivals and the principles of the revivalists in several books about Christian revivals. “I want the revivalists themselves to speak through these books,” said Mathew. “That’s why I have compiled the most interesting accounts and quotes from the revivalists, so we can learn from their experiences and grow in faith as we believe God for revival today.”
After reading about people collapsing under conviction of sin outside of a church in Scotland, or learning how the Welsh Revival changed a nation, or being inspired by John Wesley seeing England transformed, or finding how God swept across America, readers cannot fail to be inspired.
“I pray every believer will grasp what God has done in past revivals,” said Mathew Backholer, “it will give them the zeal to believe that God will send many more great revivals!”
Find out more about these revival books here.