Whilst each message we receive is as unique as the people who write them, many questions are frequently asked. Before contacting us, please take the time to see if your question is answered below. Regretfully because of the amount of mail we receive, we cannot reply to questions which have already been covered.
Can we translate your book?
If you are a publishing company and wish to translate, print and distribute ByFaith Media books in another language and country, please email us at the address at the bottom of this page. We are not seeking independent translators.
Can we add ByFaith TV to our programme schedule?
If you are a television network and are interested in airing ByFaith TV programmes or documentaries, please email us at the address at the bottom of this page.
Can we undergo a live stream interview?
Unfortunately, we cannot fulfil all requests for interviews. If your television network or well-known ministry desires to undergo a live stream interview, please email us at the address at the bottom of this page.
Can we use your material for our church magazine, book, service, YouTube, etc?
If you belong to an evangelical Christian church and desire to use some of our material from our website, you can use six hundred words, or five percent of a video, without needing any written permission from ByFaith Media; but it must never be sold or used for commercial gain. You may use six hundred words in your book from our website without needing any written permission. If you desire to use more than 600 words then please contact us stating what you desire to quote from and your publication / title, author, publisher, publication date, etc. In relation to website articles, the author (Paul or Mathew Backholer) needs to be included. The material used must not be taken out of context, twisted, edited or distorted to change its meaning. In every case, ByFaith Media must be credited with the source and the link ( must be included.
Can I submit my article to you?
In the past ByFaith Media has received various articles from pastors, missionaries and ministries etc. However, we have a huge stockpile to go online and cannot accept any more submissions. Your church magazine or website may appreciate the time and effort you have put in to compiling your articles and may publish it.
Will you advertise my event?
ByFaith Media is not dedicated to advertising Christian events; we encourage you to contact the relevant websites. We are also not a radio station or TV network and therefore cannot play your music or air your programmes. We wish you all the best in your endeavours in all that the Lord has called you to.
Can you review my book and play my music?
We appreciate you will have put many hours to produce your book or music. However, we rarely produce reviews and we are not a print magazine, radio or TV station. Some ministries are called to help with new Christian music releases, please contact the relevant ministries.
I have some problems; can you give me some counselling?
Throughout the website, you will find hundreds of pages of biblical teaching that will help you grow in your walk with God and could help resolve problems. However, many people need to talk through their problems and receive prayer, and ByFaith Media is not in a position to counsel. Your pastor or counsellor at your local church is probably better suited to help you. There are also many other trusted and accountable ministries that are called to help people receive healing and deliverance who may help you.
Can you send me some free tracts, books and DVDs?
ByFaith Media’s calling is to produce mass media and therefore does not have a distribution network to send out tracts and books etc. Please contact a Christian bookshop or mission/church that assists people in this way.
I contacted you recently, why haven’t I had a response?
While each message we receive is as unique as the people who write them, many questions are frequently asked. We have developed our pages over the years to answer the questions. Whilst we value the messages we receive, because of the volume, it is impossible to answer every request. It is also worth bearing in mind that one survey found that 17% of all emails never end up at their intended destinations.
What is your postal address?
We optimise our ministry to receive contact through email and if you post us something, it will take longer for us to get the message. If you need to send a message to us, please email us first at the address at the bottom of this page. We are based in England, United Kingdom.
We have a Christian ministry; how can we contact you?
ByFaith Media has partnered with Christian ministries for missions, TV production and broadcast, or website updates etc. We believe in partnership with purpose – where ministries work together for the extension of the Kingdom of God and the glorifying of Jesus. Please email us first at the address at the bottom of this page.
Can I work with ByFaith Media – are there any job vacancies?
It is wonderful to hear God is placing a burden on the hearts of many people to use the media as a tool to reach people with the message of the gospel. Unfortunately, there are no vacancies available. Please do not send us your C.V., we do not open attachments from unknown people due to the threat of malware etc.
Will ByFaith Media support my ministry or me?
ByFaith Media is a faith ministry that understands the pressures of leaving a regular salary to trust in the Lord’s provision. We believe in the principles of tithing, sowing and reaping and therefore, the Lord has led us to sow financial gifts to specific ministries and people. There are many God-breathed, excellent and fruitful fresh ideas and ministries that are being developed, and we wish you the very best in your endeavour for Him, however, we are not looking for new ministries to support and will not consider any applications. From our experience, we believe God allows new ministries to go through tight financial pressures to test and build faith, this also helps the ministry to become cost effective. These times also help us look to the Father alone, who has promised to provide all of our needs. We all want a testimony and in finances, many find the ‘test’ in testimony. Hudson Taylor founder of the China Inland Mission said, “God’s work, done God’s way, will not lack God’s resources.”
Can I go on missions with the ByFaith Team?
The ByFaith Team is encouraged by people with a desire to do missions for the Lord. However, ByFaith Media is not a mission-sending agency and people who are called to missions should go with an organisation that has the experience and vision to equip them. Please speak to your pastor about contacting a suitable organisation. Check out Short-Term Missions, A Christian Guide to STMs.
What is the quickest way to contact ByFaith Media?
Please include ‘ByFaith Media’ in your email subject and the purpose of the message. Please check to see if we have already answered your question above. Due to malware threats, please do not send us any attachments; they will not be opened.