Basis of Faith
As a non-denominational evangelical ministry, ByFaith Media stands with hundreds of millions of Bible-believing Christians in their churches and ministries worldwide, placing our faith in the Divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Bible.
‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness’ (2 Timothy 3:16).
We believe in:
– The one true eternal God who lives in three Persons – God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Person of the Holy Spirit.
– The incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s eternal Son, who came to earth, was born of the virgin Mary and lived without sin; truly Divine and truly human.
– Through His death on the cross Jesus died in our place, paid for all our sin, defeated death and the devil, and through faith in Christ, we are reconciled to God the Father, through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice.
– Jesus Christ was bodily resurrected becoming the first fruits of the resurrection from the dead. After commissioning His disciples to share His gospel with every creature, He ascended to God the Father, where He now reigns and continues in intercession and mediation, as Saviour to all who have or will repent and believe in Him.
– The dependence of the Church on the Person and ministry of God the Holy Spirit. He draws us to God the Father, leads us into repentance, unites us with Christ in the born again new birth experience, and empowers us for service to be like Jesus in discipleship. By the Holy Spirit Christians are endowed with power and anointed with spiritual gifts, according to their faith and God’s grace. God who created all, empowers them to proclaim the gospel in the Holy Spirit’s power to fulfil Jesus’ Great Commission.
– God created heaven and earth, and sustains it, ruling sovereignly. He made all people in His likeness, male and female, and endues them with His intrinsic value, as His creation. In Adam all fell, corrupted by sin, which incurs Divine wrath and judgment. In Christ, redemption is received by faith and belief in action will produce fruit.
– Jesus Christ will return to earth, personally and visibly, to fulfil the eternal plans of God, revealed in Scripture. The Lord will raise all people to judgment, provide eternal life to the redeemed and eternal condemnation to the lost, and establish a new heaven and a new earth, in which righteousness will dwell.
– God so loved the world that He sent His only Son Jesus, to seek and to save the lost. There is a heaven to embrace and a hell to shun. Christians must share God’s truth with love, kindness, humility and Christian respect – recognising all humans are God’s creation, created by God and reflecting His handiwork.
– The Church is called to be Christ’s witnesses on earth, to fulfil His Great Commission, to share the gospel to every creature. The Church is made of God’s people, both local and universal, enabling the priesthood of all believers.
– We reaffirm these truths because we recognise the Holy Spirit’s Divine inspiration in revealing God’s Word in Scripture and the absolute authority of the sixty-six books of the Bible, which are the written Word of God, providing all, saved and unsaved, absolute guidance and clarity for all conduct, doctrine and faith.