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How Christianity Made the Modern World by Paul Backholer
How Christianity Made the Modern World – How The Bible Inspired Liberty, Shaped Western Civilisation,
Invigorated Human Rights, Transformed Democracy and Why Free People Owe So Much to their Christian Heritage.
Discover how faith in the message of the Bible became the single most important influence in the
development of the modern world.
About the Book
What has Christianity ever done for the world? The answer is both profound and inexhaustible. Discover how Christianity became the most
important factor in the creation of the modern world by shaping our values, beliefs and civilisation. Find how leading scientists,
explorers, adventurers and freedom fighters were inspired by their Christian faith and learn how they changed life on planet earth!
Take a journey with the author to over thirty-five nations as he establishes from personal observations, how slaves were freed, human rights
were fought for and how liberty spread globally as the message of the Christian gospel sounded-forth. Learn how empires and superpowers
were transformed by Christianity, how missionaries kept them accountable abroad and how non-conformist believers transformed them
from within.

Discover the greatest transforming legacy that the world has ever known by delving into the story of Christianity and how it paved the way
into the modern age. Observe how the United States, Great Britain and the West were transformed by the Christian message; learn how
Christianity facilitated the path that led to Western liberty and laid the foundations of the modern world.
Calling upon over four-hundred source references, including presidents, prime ministers, leading journalists and historians; the
historical record presents that from education to democracy, from human rights to science, and from law to language etc., Christianity
has always been at the fore!
Though history divulges that the established Church often lost its way, this book reveals that the authentic message of Jesus Christ
continued to transform the world and led it into a bright new age of liberty through the lives of non-conformist Bible-believing
Christians! The pages of this book bear witness to the fact that many of the greatest leaders in the cause of liberty found their
inspiration from the Christian faith and reveals that humanity owes a profound debt to Bible-believing Christians.
Christianity and Liberty
The Christian Legacy
Great Reformers
The End of the Slave Trade
The End of Slavery
The Birth of Modern Campaigning
Workers Rights
Children's Rights
Women's Rights
Education: Schools and Universities
The Right To Healthcare
The Impoverished Masses
The Preservation of Nature
Animal Welfare
Art and Architecture
Law and Order
Family and Community
Spiritual Revival and Social Cohesion
Empires & Superpowers (esp. British Empire & U.S.)
Capitalism: Creating Wealthy Productive Nations
The Industrial Revolution and Compassionate Capitalism
A Fair Deal: Justice Not Charity
The Foundations of Modern Democracy
American Democracy
The Founding Fathers of Modern Science
Great Authors and Freedom Fighters
Great Explorers and Adventurers
The Civil Rights Movement
Ending Apartheid
Prison Reform
Global Reform
The Modern State of Israel
Treasuring our Heritage
Sources and Notes
ByFaith Books & DVDs
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Book Details
8.5 x 5.5 inches (216mm x 140mm)
37 chapters
270 pages
ISBN 978-1-907066-02-3 (paperback)
ISBN 978-1-907066-40-5 (eBook)
Sources and Notes
How Christianity Made the Modern World contains over 400 source references!
Book Features
Thirty-seven easy to read chapters, + preface, + sources and notes.
Direct accounts featuring important quotes from leading journalists, historians and political leaders of past and present.
Personal observations from places of special interest – e.g.: Former slave dungeons in Zanzibar, Africa. William Carey’s mission
station in Serampore, India, where the burning of widows was banned. In David Livingstone’s footsteps; the greatest explorer of his age.
In Rome’s Coliseum, where gladiator fights were banned in the cause of advancing human rights. To Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela
was imprisoned and to churches in South Africa, where they struggled to end Apartheid. Plus many more. Every chapter contains a simplified narrative of every subject.
Special Interest: United States and the British Empire
Several chapters will be of special interest to Christians who wish to learn more about the founding fathers of the United States of America and
the Christian influence within the British Empire. These chapters contain many quotes from U.S. Presidents and British leaders who allude to
the importance of Christianity in the shaping of these nations and its role in the world.
Surveys and Polls
Included in this book are many modern surveys and polls which expose that the general public acknowledges the Christian heritage of the West
and shows that there is much favour for its continuing influence in the U.S., Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and in Europe etc.
Quotes from U.S. Presidents Include
President Barack Obama, President G.W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, President George H.W. Bush, President Eisenhower, President Harry Truman,
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, President Herbert Hoover, President Grant, President Abraham Lincoln, President John Quincy Adams, President
Andrew Jackson, President James Madison, President Thomas Jefferson and President George Washington.
Quotes from leaders of Britain, France, Russia, Canada and India Include
Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Victoria, King George III, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, British Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister W. E. Gladstone,
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Canadian Prime Minister
Stephen Harper and Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.
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About the Author
Paul Backholer is a British broadcaster and the founder of ByFaith Media. He is the director of ByFaith Television which airs on multiple platforms
around the world and is the producer of several Christian documentaries.
Paul is the author of
Holy Spirit Power,
Heaven – A Journey to Paradise,
How Christianity Made the Modern World,
The Exodus Evidence and
The Ark of the Covenant.
Paul studied in a British Bible college and has travelled to over forty nations.