Prophecy Now
Prophetic Words For Today's Discerning Christian

The Sun or My Son – No Holiday Selfies in Heaven
Covid-19 and Its Variants Hindering Holidays or Gospel Advance
The Blood of the Innocent Cries Out to Me

This is what the Sovereign Lord says,

“Some of My people who are called by My name in the U.K. are moaning, groaning and gripping that they cannot get enough sun because of Covid-19. So are some in hospitals up and down the nation but their groaning is because they are fighting for their lives because of Covid-19.

“The former who claim they know My Son cannot interpret the signs of the times that they are living in. They say they need a break, they need to get away. Get away from what I ask? Where can you go from My Spirit, from My Son? Where can you flee from My Presence?1

“Why run after the sun when My Son is always with you? Why do you seek after the sun? Does My Son not fulfil you? Is the sunshine of His love not adequate for you, or do you wish to go to faraway places to share with the people the Good News of the Gospel in their sun-drenched land? Can you give them the directions to Calvary or have you lost your way also?

“The psalmist said, “Search me O God and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.”2 Have you lost your way or are you running away from something or someone?

“What has happened to the green and pleasant land that so many sang about?3 Is the other man’s grass greener on the other side? Why is it that the majority of the people who try to enter the U.K. illegally for a better life come from the same nations many of you wish to visit?

“You cannot run or hide from Covid-19 or its variants. You could fast, pray and repent for the blood of the innocent that cries out to Me from U.K. and nations of the world, that you wish to visit. People who die without Christ go to Hell. Why not go and share the Gospel, the Good News with others? You cannot take your holiday selfies to Heaven with you, but you can meet others there who you won to Christ. Smile please, no one smiles in Hell so what have you got to smile about?

“Listen I say, listen, in the last days people will be lovers of self, lovers of pleasure. Terrible times are here now and will get much worse, you have been warned.”

Michael Backholer, Thursday, 8 April 2021 –

1. Psalm 139:7.
2. Psalm 139:23-24.
3. ‘Green and pleasant land’ alludes to part of a poem by William Blake from the preface to 'Milton: A Poem in Two Books,' c.1808. In 1916, Sir Hubert Parry added music and the hymn 'Jerusalem,' was born.