Prophecy Now
Prophetic Words For Today's Discerning Christian

You are Without Excuse – I shall Leave no Stone Unturned
(The Love of Many has Grown Cold)

This is what the Sovereign Lord says to His Church,

“In the closing hours of this dispensation, I have to say to My Church, you are without excuse. All that happened in the past was written down as an example and as a warning for you on whom the fulfilment of this age has come.

“My judgment, yes My judgment has already begun and it starts with you. I shall leave no stone unturned and look behind every bush, and all that can be sifted and shaken shall be. Be warned, this will truly be an uncomfortable time for many, but it is necessary to purify My Bride from all unrighteousness in readiness for the marriage supper.

“I have much to say to you about the state of your hearts and minds. I have suffered, yes suffered and tolerated much, but no longer will I put up with your unclean hands and impure hearts. Many of you have prostituted yourselves and committed spiritual adultery in every way imaginable, and I refuse to tolerate that kind of unfaithfulness any longer. You are without excuse. Now is the time to confess your sins one to another and repent, and turn from your sinful lifestyles.

“It is also written in what manner you should conduct yourselves when you eat and drink at My table in remembrance of Me, and yet many, yes many, still partake in an unworthy way. Is it any wonder so many of you are sick and some have fallen asleep prematurely.

“You have had fair warning, now is the time to turn away from all that is superficial and meaningless and spend time with My Word and in My presence. To many of you, I am no more than a stranger, yet you cry out to Me in times of trouble, and believe Me, troubled times are coming as well as blessed times. For some, it shall indeed be a special time of blessing, but for others troubled times, as you reap what you have sown.

“The love of many has already grown cold and more will follow. Let those who have ears hear; open your eyes wide and you will see a true and an apostate Church. You have been warned. Be alert, for some are preaching another Jesus and a different gospel with another spirit. Consider carefully what you hear, with the measure you have used, with that same measure you will receive.”

Michael Backholer, Monday 27 March 2006 -

‘Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children and the nursing babes …Let the priests, who minister to the Lord weep between the porch and the altar…’ (Joel 2:15-17).